Kali ini saya akan mencoba update driver Qlogic pada sistem operasi Linux. Untuk percobaan kali ini saya menggunakan Oracle Linux 6
Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kode Driver, karena setiap distro memiliki driver yang spesifik
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.5.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Red Hat RHEL 5.x.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.06.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Red Hat RHEL 6.x.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.10.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Novell SLES 10.x.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.11.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Novell SLES 11.1/11.2.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.55.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Citrix Xenserver 6.x.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.32.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Oracle UEK 1.
* qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.39.x-k.tar.gz - Compressed package that
contains the driver for Oracle UEK 2.
NOTE: xx represents the driver package version number.
Untuk download silahkan buka link dibawah ini
Extract File Driver
qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.5.x-k.tar.gz, issue the following commands:
# tar -xzvf qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.tar.gz
# cd qla2xxx-src-vx.xx.xx.xx.
Silahkan install GCC
# yum install gcc
lalu silahkan install driver terbaru, dengan perintah:
# ./extras/build.sh install
Builds the driver .ko files.
Copies the .ko files to the appropriate
/lib/modules/2.6.../extra/qlgc-qla2xxx directory.
Automatically load the driver by rebuilding the RAM disk to include the driver as follows:
Edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file
nano /etc/modprobe.conf
dan tambahkan:
alias scsi_hostadapterX qla2xxx
Dimana X adalah "based on the order of the SCSI modules being loaded.
lalu jalankan
dracut -f
Untuk rebuild kernel image.
Silahkan reboot
Untuk pengecekan versi driver jalankan command:
# modinfo qla2xxx | grep version
Selamat mencoba
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